There are approximately 74 nonstop or direct flights from Bend/Redmond to Los Angeles each month.
A list of some of the airlines that might fly to Los Angeles from Bend/Redmond via direct or nonstop routes includes:
- SkyWest Airlines Inc.
- Compass Airlines
The flight distance between Bend/Redmond OR (RDM) and Los Angeles CA (LAX) is 726 miles.
Time in the air is approximately 1 hr 42 min and the ramp to ramp time is roughly 2 hr 19 min.
Hope this information about direct flights from Bend/Redmond to Los Angeles is useful. This travel flight guide may interest those looking for nonstop flights to Los Angeles and cheap flights from Bend/Redmond airport. Travelers looking for non stop Bend/Redmond OR to Los Angeles CA flights might also find it helpful.
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