There are approximately 55 nonstop or direct flights from Atlanta to Tucson each month.
A list of some of the airlines that might fly to Tucson from Atlanta via direct or nonstop routes includes:
- Delta Air Lines Inc.
The flight distance between Atlanta GA (ATL) and Tucson AZ (TUS) is 1541 miles.
Time in the air is approximately 3 hr 36 min and the ramp to ramp time is roughly 4 hr 0 min.
Hope this information about direct flights from Atlanta to Tucson is useful. This travel flight guide may interest those looking for nonstop flights to Tucson and cheap flights from Atlanta airport. Travelers looking for non stop Atlanta GA to Tucson AZ flights might also find it helpful.
Search phrases used to reach this post include delta nonstops to tucson from atlanta, non stop flights from atlanta to tucson in october.
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